Speaking + Conference talks


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam magna metus, ornare semper metus a, dapibus blandit odio. Nullam hendrerit varius dictum. Donec suscipit purus mauris, a hendrerit dui molestie a. Sed arcu diam, suscipit sit amet nisl eu, porta tincidunt nisl. Suspendisse erat neque, convallis in tempor ac, mattis ut neque. In eget lectus diam.

Pellentesque nulla libero, auctor non sollicitudin a, congue eget purus. Quisque eget enim dui. Integer vel tellus nisl. In nec blandit nisl, nec finibus augue.

Upcoming Talks

Want to catch me at my next speaking engagement? See the next few events here.

How to Provide Value from Day One of Your Dev Career

As a developer, you might think that the only way you can contribute to your team is through the lines of code that you produce. But in actuality, the job of a developer is significantly more sociotechnical than purely technical. As you progress in your career, the less tangible ways to provide value will become more important.

Change Management and Driving Forward Critical-But-Often-Undervalued Work

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra metus nec risus pharetra, finibus fermentum felis facilisis. Phasellus venenatis risus quis ante blandit accumsan.


About your Speaking Style & Approach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam magna metus, ornare semper metus a, dapibus blandit odio. Nullam hendrerit varius dictum. Donec suscipit purus mauris, a hendrerit dui molestie a. Sed arcu diam, suscipit sit amet nisl eu, porta tincidunt nisl. Suspendisse erat neque, convallis in tempor ac, mattis ut neque. In eget lectus diam.

Pellentesque nulla libero, auctor non sollicitudin a, congue eget purus. Quisque eget enim dui. Integer vel tellus nisl. In nec blandit nisl, nec finibus augue.

Recent Talks

A collection of podcasts, talks, webinars, and shows I've had to the pleasure to speak at.

Change Management and Driving Forward Critical-But-Often-Undervalued Work

In this episode, we talk about change management and driving forward critical-but-often-undervalued work with special guest Thuy Doan (pronounced Twee and Doan rhymes with “cone”! 🍦) formerly from Prodigy Education. A company that aims to help every child in the world love learning. Their main products are currently a Math MMO for elementary school students and online tutoring. Currently at Mux.

How to Provide Value from Day One of Your Dev Career

As a developer, you might think that the only way you can contribute to your team is through the lines of code that you produce. But in actuality, the job of a developer is significantly more sociotechnical than purely technical. As you progress in your career, the less tangible ways to provide value will become more important.


It's rare to meet a person who exemplifies Radical Candor, but Thuy is definitely one of them. I've treasured working with Thuy because in any situation, she's not afraid to call it like she sees it, while communicating about the situation with compassion. Thuy's a strong advocate for mental health in the workplace, psychological safety on teams, and always championing accessibility improvements in software across the organization.

— Sid Shankar, Engineering Manager

I started at Prodigy around the same time as Thuy. Over the past 4 years, I've seen the great impact Thuy has made across our company, for she has been one of the driving forces for much-needed change in the areas of equality, inclusivity, and accessibility. Her genuine, candid personality is a breath of fresh air and her strength is what I admire most and aspire to learn from every day.

— Jen Vandermeer, Senior Product Designer

Inclusion and accessibility are at the heart of Thuy's problem-solving process. Thuy laid the foundation for accessibility best practices on a brand new product our team has been working on. She did so through empathy building, close collaboration, and through continuous learning and sharing with the team. Collaborating with Thuy is inspiring and motivating - you get to work toward the best outcome possible, and to learn something new in the process!!!

— Lavinia Manea, Product Designer

Thuy's steadfast commitment to making Accessible UI/UX the standard at Prodigy has been incredibly inspiring to witness. She is the definition of "User Obsessed" and I've always appreciated her willingness to stand up for what she believes is right. It's rare to work with someone who is so thoughtful, talented, and driven. A true Multiplier.

— Patrick Priestley, Director Engineering Operations

Thuy is a great mix of self-awareness, honesty, motivated, and insightful. We've been working together for 4 years, and she has set a new standard for individual growth in my eyes. It's truly been a pleasure to share this time with Thuy and I'm excited to see where this rocket ship takes them next.

— Danny Frade, VP of Engineering

Thuy has been an absolute pleasure to work with. She brings honesty, integrity, and curiosity to every conversation. She uses what she’s learned to support and benefit all those around her. In every team I’ve seen Thuy on, her love for accessibility and access was infectious. She’s always there to remind us that we serve real people with our technology.

— Ben Johnson, Software Architect

To work together, for collaborations, or speaking opportunities please contact me at clearlythuydoan@gmail.com

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