Blog • API
Real-Time, Live, and On-Demand
A guest blog for Postman showing users how to build video experiences from real-time, live, to on-demand video by using Mux's spaces, live stream, and assets APIs. Mux is video by developers for developers.
A collection of things I have been working on including open source, blogs, and videos.
Blog • API
A guest blog for Postman showing users how to build video experiences from real-time, live, to on-demand video by using Mux's spaces, live stream, and assets APIs. Mux is video by developers for developers.
Video • Production
A video to help users get started quickly with Mux's Postman collection. Walks through setting up authentication, environment variables, and making your first API requests: assets and live streams.
Open Source • Web Components
A drop-in custom HTML file picker button. Whenever users want to implement direct uploads, they can simply drop-in this web component without needing to build direct uploads, work with Upchunk, nor the visual progress bar themselves.
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
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