About Thuy Doan

A mission-driven developer empowering others in tech.
Hi, I’m a software developer, currently working remotely in video technology and open-source at Mux as a Community Engineer. I am really passionate about accessibility and I spend my time learning how to build more accessible, user-first products, learning how to create better video content, and trying to figure out how I can spread awareness for all the under-represented groups out there.
With over 5 years experience as a developer and a background in business I have a good balance of core skills and technical skills. What attracted me to the world of tech is the fact that I will never know everything and there will always be something new and exciting to learn.
To work with me, for collaborations, or to just say hey, please send me an email clearlythuydoan@gmail.com
Based in the Greater Toronto Area.

Speaker Headline
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tempor feugiat purus ut egestas.



Mental Health

Embracing the non-linear path
Prior to being a software developer that came out of a coding bootcamp, I was an Odette School of Business graduate who worked in advertising as a social media manager. I wore many hats including that of a copywriter and content writer — even writing a slew of radio commercials for a credit union in my time!
I even had a brief stint with lifestyle blogging to express my love of food and fashion. In that time I was able to connect great restaurants and retail stores to my readers.
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

Check out my Podcast Candid & Cringe
On C&C I focus on growth and the roller coaster of our lives and careers. My content does not stop there though, rounding out with me being an independent content writer for Perfeqta — a talent development agency in the US focused on equity. Outside of work, I love to travel, go to concerts (I’m talking about on average 10 a year!), bake, and try my hand at a myriad of new creative pursuits such as clay wheel pottery. While I do love travelling a ton, I call the Greater Toronto Area my home
All through my Patreon, I use the communication and public speaking skills I’ve developed in business school — and as a conference organizer — to empower other developers and bootcamp grads as a woman of colour in tech.